Photo by Marianne Shira, The Sun (Osceola)Jen, the mom at Luhrs Media, writes:
Congratulations to the Pack and to their fans, some of whom live across the street from me and watched the game outdoors in a "Little Lambeau" field they built out of snow. I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I use the cold weather as an excuse not to go out and exercise.
Now that SuperBowl Sunday is over we can start over again on our New Year's Resolution to eat better, lose weight, get fit—and this time succeed!
Do you even remember your New Year's Resolution?
Have you been sticking to your resolution but are beginning to lose momentum?
Sometimes I think January 1 is the worst time of year to set New Year's resolutions—too many left-over holiday cookies and other goodies still around and my carb cravings going full tilt. Too much really awful weather (especially this winter!) that makes an easy excuse for staying indoors, eating comfort foods. But those New Year's Fitness Resolutions we set are important all twelve months of the year. If you got off track with yours—Super Bowl parties or for whatever reason—our journals can help you with the motivation you need to get back on track and stay on track.
Just color in the positive things you do each day to eat better or exercise. Easy, fun, and not a test. It's just a way for you to visualize how actively you're trying to improve your fitness habits.
If you don't see much color, you'll figure out on your own that you need to make some changes.
That kind of self honesty is the beginning of improving your self control and self motivation. Chances are you're not going to be cast for the Biggest Loser, so you may as well learn to do this on your own.
You should do this because here's the deal. It's not the Super Bowl party food that's going to kill you. It's eating EVERY DAY as if you were at a party. Chips, pop, sweets, snack foods, greasy pizza, etc. And then not burning off the excessive calories. (Well, who could?)The human body evolved by working hard for its food, and until modern times has never had to contend with such a steady supply of calories and little exercise to burn them off (unless you were the Grand Poobah and reclined on your side and had someone pop grapes into your mouth. But at least they were grapes.)
Obesity rates have doubled since 1980, a new study shows. These are not the stats of a team we're watching as spectators. These are our stats. They affect how we as a country will perform in the future, whether our kids will be obese and miserable, whether we'll have enough fit people for our military defense, whether we'll crush our healthcare system and eventually our economy due to easily-preventable, obesity-related diseases.
These are all things I was fretting about in 2004 when I wrote the "Message" for the Charter Edition of the Streaming Colors Fitness Journal.
Alas, it appears to be human nature to think we can do a last minute Hail Mary effort and lose the weight just as disease and disabilities start setting in. This "just in time" approach might make sense as a model for businesses, but it's no way for humans to live.
Think about what you're missing out on every day because you let your weight hold you back. If that adorable Aaron Rodgers called you for a date, would you tell him to call back in six months while you got rid of your muffin top?
Put off your weight loss long enough, and by the time you decide to get fit, the excess weight and its effect on your ability to get moving will make it seem impossible.
As they say, we can do this now. Or we can do this later—when it will be a whole lot harder.If you decide to get fit now, it's actually pretty easy. Because as you journal over time, you'll gradually develop healthier habits. Habits are things you do without thinking much about them.
Developing a healthy lifestyle is as close as you can get to putting your fitness on automatic pilot. Like the cavemen, and our great grandparents—they just lived their lives and for the most part were not overweight.
But to get to that point, you need to pay attention to what you're doing every day and be mindful about making gradual changes you can live with. It's easy to get distracted, but our journal will help keep you on track.
We can even help you get through the next feast day that's coming up. Valentine's Day. We know, we know. You need to have some chocolate. Maybe go out to dinner. No need for guilt.
Our journals encourage you to have a "free day" every now and then. But to not let all the rest of your days become a fitness free-for-all. Because we all know how easy it is to PACK on the pounds (did you catch that one last Super Bowl XVI reference.) And how hard it is to take them off.