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Entries in Fit City (1)


Thank you, Pam LeBlanc, for your colorful mention in Fit City

Thanks, Pam LeBlanc, for your kind words and for including a picture of your colored-in Streaming Colors calendar page in your Fit City blog for the Austin-American Statesman.

Screencap of Pam LeBlanc's Streaming Colors Fitness Journal page

Pam has many years of colored-in Streaming Colors Fitness Journal pages tucked away in her desk drawer, going all the way back to January, 2004, when we released our first calendar and Pam helped spread the news.

In fact, Pam wrote our favorite news story ever!

We know that Pam gets tons of new books from authors hoping for a mention or a good review.
Technically speaking, after all these years, we're old news. That's why we couldn't be more honored when Pam mentions us anew to her readers.

In the fitness and diet area, there's always a lot of new stuff to try out, but it's unusual to find something that works year after year after year after year after year after year after year...well, you get the picture.

Someone like Pam who has discovered the secret to fitness (having fun doing activities you truly enjoy, in Pam's case, water skiing) would probably do OK without our calendar.

But Pam claims the calendar motivates her to do a little bit more throughout the week (like biking to work) in order to make sure she has plenty of color on her page. That extra physical activity adds up over time to the better fitness that makes anyone's favorite sport even more enjoyable.

When you consider that every day is a new day to do something good for your health, and every week's a new week to tally and then start over, and every month on our calendar gives you a chance to set new goals, and every year there's a fresh new calendar to fill with color...maybe we're not such old news after all.

Not surprisingly, we have more new and old Streaming Colors Fitness Journal users in Pam's Fit City (Austin, TX) area than any other large metro area.

Thanks again, Pam. We wish every city could have a Fit City blog to give people an in-depth idea of the fitness scene in their community and to make them feel comfortable becoming part of it, whatever their fitness level.